The Stritmatter FirmTrial lawyers for serious plaintiff personal injury, wrongful death, and civil rights cases.
The Stritmatter Firm represents real people whose lives have been shattered by the negligence and wrongdoing of others. We champion our clients by seeking real justice. We battle defendants no matter how big and powerful they may be. Our mission is to fight for our clients as best and hard as we can.
Our team includes 17 practicing personal injury attorneys and a large professional support staff in our offices in Seattle and Hoquiam, Washington. We fight hard because we care about our clients. We will not give up even when the defendants and their insurance companies try to overwhelm us. We believe the civil justice system helps to balance the playing field between a victim and large corporations or the government. We uphold the sanctity of the constitutional right to trial by jury.

Our History
Starting in 1945
The Stritmatter name first appeared in our law firm in 1945 after Lester Stritmatter returned from his US Navy military service during WWII and joined Warner Poyhonen in the Hoquiam general practice law firm of Poyhonen and Stritmatter. In 1950 Poyhonen became a Grays Harbor County Superior Court Judge and Lester Stritmatter carried on as a sole practitioner.

High-Profile Cases
We have obtained record-breaking verdicts and settlements. This includes the $123 Million jury verdict in 2019 in the Ride the Ducks Aurora Bridge Crash trial for 50 plaintiffs —the largest nonpunitive plaintiff personal injury trial verdict in state history. And a $44.7 Million jury verdict in a motorcycle v. car crash in 2022 – the largest motorcycle crash verdict in the state.

On August 15, 2023, Bellevue Police motorcycle officer Kevin Bereta was part of a team of officers charged with escorting Vice President Kamala Harris during her public duties around the Seattle area. As Officer Bereta was traveling across a freeway overpass, his motorcycle struck the side of the rail, and he was ejected. …

On January 5, 2024, Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 experienced a mid-flight blowout. Its left-side door panel detached, leaving a gaping hole and leading to rapid depressurization. Chaos ensued in the passenger cabin while the pilots proceeded with an emergency landing. Air rushing through the cabin made a deafening noise, impacting the ability to communicate. Flight…

In November 2019, Seattle Children’s Hospital issued a press statement that 14 of its patients had been sickened and six had died due to Aspergillus mold on its premises since 2001. Stritmatter Kessler Koehler Moore and the John Layman Law Firm filed a lawsuit on December 2, 2019, against Seattle Children’s Hospital on behalf of…

Fighting for Our Clients
We pride ourselves in fighting for the best possible results for our clients. In the last fifteen years, more than 250 of our cases resulted in over $1 million verdicts or settlements.
should not create expectations of an outcome in any individual case.

A historic legal battle of epic proportions brought by 50 George Floyd/BLM Peaceful Protesters against Seattle and its Police Department has ended. Yesterday the City agreed to pay $10 Million to settle the case. After George Floyd was brutally murdered on May 25, 2020, the 50 Peaceful Protesters, along with tens of thousands of Seattleites, took to the streets of downtown Seattle and the Capitol Hill neighborhood in the summer of 2020. Along with George Floyd, they chanted...

What It's
Like Working
With Us

in Seattle • Trusted since 1945
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