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Photo by Derek Simeone“Seattle Police Department attempts to secure the area outside Rancho Bravo on Capitol Hill after deploying chemical weapons against protestors. Taken during the George Floyd protests in Seattle, WA.”
Photo by Derek Simeone“Seattle Police Department attempts to secure the area outside Rancho Bravo on Capitol Hill after deploying chemical weapons against protestors. Taken during the George Floyd protests in Seattle, WA.”

By Lisa Benedetti

Last Thursday, the Washington state legislature overwhelmingly passed a bill requested by Attorney General Bob Ferguson for the creation of a statewide, publicly available database of police use-of-force incidents.

The bill passed the Senate in March 46-2. It passed the House in early April 97-1 with amendments, which the Senate confirmed on Thursday, again 46-2. It now awaits Governor Jay Inslee’s signature.

This measure will be one of hopefully many positive steps taken by our government and our community to track and ultimately reduce the occurrence of excessive and unreasonable use of force by our police, particularly against People of Color.