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Screenshot_2020-07-02 Paul Stritmatter, Attorney Bio — Stritmatter.png

George Floyd’s death and the subsequent protests have generated conversation and awareness like few other times in recent history. But progress is sometimes met with fear and backlash. The legal profession is not immune from discrimination, even among leadership.

In a recent meeting of the Washington State Bar Association Board of Governors, Governor Carla Higginson expressed views that are antithetical to our duties as officers of the court.

Stritmatter Kessler Koehler Moore condemns these views in the strongest possible terms. Today, former WSBA President Paul Stritmatter sent the below letter to current WSBA President Majumdar.

To all who feel rejected, diminished, or threatened by Governor Higginson’s comments, we stand with you.

WSBA President Majumdar has condemned the conduct and requested an independent WSBA Ombudsman to investigate and assist in handling the matter.